03 de juliol 2008

Grandola vila morena

Maca cançó escrita el 1964 per José "Zeca" Alfonso com a homenatge a la "Sociedad Musical Fraternidad Operaria Grandolense" de la vila portuguesa de Grandola. La deliciosa tonada serví com a senyal en la revolució dels clavells de 1974, l'alçament militar que desembocaria en la fi de la dictadura militar portuguesa.

Diu així:

Grandola, Vila Morena
Grandola, vila morena
terra da fraternidade
povo e quem mais ordena
dentro de ti o cidade.
Dentro de ti o cidade
povo e quem mais ordena
terra da fraternitate
Grandola, vila morena.
Em cada esquina un amigo,
en cada rosto igualdade
Grandola, vila morena
terra da fraternidade
Grandola, vila morena
em cada rosto igualdade
povo e quem mais ordena
dentro de ti o cidade.
A sombra duma azinheira
que ja nao sabia a idade
jurei ter por companheira
Grandola, vila morena.
Grandola a tua vontade
jurei ter por companheira
a sombra duma azimnheira
que ja nao sabia idade.

10 de maig 2008

Sowing the seems of love

Magnifica tonada dels genials Tears for Fears. Grup britànic considerats del milloret del New Wave, han donat sempre gran importànica a l'humanisme en les seves lletres. Amb "Sowing the seems of love" (1989) signaren un dels millors himnes a l'Amor mai escrits.

Diu així:

Sowing the seems of love

High time we made a stand & shook up the views of the common man
And the love train rides from coast to coast
DJ's the man we love the most
Could you be, could you be squeaky clean
And smash any hope of democracy
As the headline says you're free to choose
There's egg on your face and mud on your shoes
One of these days they're gonna call it the blues, yeah yeah

(Sowing the seeds of love) anything is possible
(Seeds of love) when you're sowing the seeds of love
(Sowing the seeds of love)
(Sowing the seeds of love) anything is possible
(Seeds of love) sowing the seeds of love (Sowing the seeds)

I spy tears in their eyes
They look to the skies for some kind of divine intervention
Food goes to waste, so nice to eat, so nice to taste
Politician Granny with your high ideals
Have you no idea how the majority feels
So without love and a promised land
We're fools to the rules of a government plan
Kick out the style, bring back the jam

(Sowing the seeds of love) anything (seeds of love)
(Sowing the seeds of love) (Sowing the seeds of love, seeds of love)
Sowing the seeds, the birds and the bees, my girlfriend and me in love

Feel the pain, talk about it, if you're a worried man then shout about it
Open hearts, feel about it, open minds, think about it
Everyone read about it, everyone scream about it
Everyone (everyone, yeah yeah)
Everyone (everyone) read about it, read about it
Read it in the books in the crannies
And the nooks there are books to read...Chorus!!!

(Sowing the seeds of love) Oh, the seeds of love
We're sowing the seeds, sowing the seeds

We're sowing the seeds of love. we're sowing the seeds
Sowing the seeds of love, we're sowing the seeds of love
(Mr. England sowing the seeds of love)

(Time to eat all your words, swallow your pride, open your eyes)
Time to eat all your words, swallow your pride, open your eyes
High time we made a stand (time to eat all your words)
And shook up the views of the common man (swallow your pride)
And the love train rides from coast to coast (open your eyes)
Every minute of every hour "I Love a Sunflower" (open your eyes)
And I believe in love power (open your eyes)
Love power, love (open your eyes) power

(Sowing the seeds of love, seeds of love…Sowing the seeds of love)
(Sowing the seeds of love, seeds of love)
We're sowing the seeds (sowing the seeds of love)
Sowing the seeds of love, we're sowing the seeds (seeds of love)
Sowing the seeds, an end to need, and the politics of greed with love
(Sowing the seeds of love, seeds of love, sowing the seeds of love)
(Sowing the seeds of love) anything (seeds of love) anything
(Sowing the seeds of love, Sowing the seeds of love, seeds of love)
(Sowing the seeds, an end to need, and the politics of greed with love)
(Sowing the seeds of love, seeds of love, sowing the seeds of love)
(Sowing the seeds of love, seeds of love, sowing the seeds of love)
(Sowing the seeds of love, seeds of love, sowing the seeds of love)
(Sowing the seeds of love, seeds of love)

15 de març 2008


Deliciosa cançó de bresol galesa d'autor desconegut। El Suo Gan (anem a dormir)és per als gal·lesos una cosa aixó com el vou veri-vou pels mallorquins. Adaptada pel genial compositor John Williams fou el tema principal del film "L'imperi del sol".

Diu així:

Huna blentyn yn fy mynwes
Clyd a chynnes ydyw hon;
Breichiau mam sy'n dynn amdanat,
Cariad mam sy dan fy mron;
Ni cha' dim amharu'th gyntun,
Ni wna undyn â thi gam;
Huna'n dawel, annwyl blentyn,
Huna'n fwyn ar fron dy fam.
Huna'n dawel, heno, huna,
Huna'n fwyn, y tlws ei lun;
Pam yr wyt yn awr yn gwenu,
Gwenu'n dirion yn dy hun?
Ai angylion fry sy'n gwenu,
Arnat ti yn gwenu'n llon,
Tithau'n gwenu'n ôl dan huno,
Huno'n dawel ar fy mron?
Paid ag ofni, dim ond deilen
Gura, gura ar y ddôr;
Paid ag ofni, ton fach unig
Sua, sua ar lan y môr;
Huna blentyn, nid oes yma
Ddim i roddi iti fraw;
Gwena'n dawel yn fy mynwes
Ar yr engyl gwynion draw.

Que vol dir això:

Sleep my baby, at my breast,
’Tis a mother’s arms round you.
Make yourself a snug, warm nest.
Feel my love forever new.
Harm will not meet you in sleep,
Hurt will always pass you by.
Child beloved, always you’ll keep,
In sleep gentle, mother’s breast nigh.
Sleep in peace tonight, sleep,
O sleep gently, what a sight.
A smile I see in slumber deep,
What visions make your face bright?
Are the angels above smiling,
At you in your peaceful rest?
Are you beaming back while in
Peaceful slumber on mother’s breast?
Do not fear the sound, it’s a breeze
Brushing leaves against the door.
Do not dread the murmuring seas,
Lonely waves washing the shore.
Sleep child mine, there’s nothing here,
While in slumber at my breast,
Angels smiling, have no fear,
Holy angels guard your rest.